Long Island
By: Leah Hatch
The second annual Long Island Oyster Week, running from October 14th through 20th, features the freshest oysters from the region in a variety of mouthwatering dishes. Attendees can enjoy top local chefs, educational seminars, and thrilling oyster shucking competitions throughout the week. Whether a longtime oyster aficionado or a newcomer, this event offers a flavorful celebration of Long Island’s maritime heritage.
September 12, 2024 | What To Do
$n = $adres->num_rows;
if ($n>0) {
// there is a result set, so proceed to get the zone/ad
$z = "select zone from cms_site_content where id=1";
$zres = $etomite_db->query($z);
$row = $zres->fetch_array();
$ad = $row["zone"];
} else {
$ad = false;
// exclude article used as feature
$result = $etomite_db->query("select home from featured_articles where db_id=1");
$row = $result->fetch_array();
$exclude_id = $row["home"];
// query to concatenate towns into comma-sep list
$q = "select cms_site_content.id, cms_site_content.parent, cms_site_content.alias, FROM_UNIXTIME(cms_site_content.createdon, '%M %e, %Y') as dateline, cms_site_content.pagetitle, cms_site_content.zone, cms_site_content.thumbnail, GROUP_CONCAT(cms_site_towns.town) town
FROM cms_town_xref
INNER JOIN cms_site_content
ON cms_town_xref.content_id = cms_site_content.id
INNER JOIN cms_site_towns
ON cms_town_xref.town_id = cms_site_towns.id
where cms_site_content.parent in (2, 3, 4) and cms_site_content.published=1 and cms_site_content.deleted=0 and cms_site_content.showinmenu=1 and cms_site_content.pub_date<".time()." and cms_site_content.id<>$exclude_id
GROUP BY cms_site_content.id
order by createdon desc
limit 9";
$res = $etomite_db->query($q);
echo '
// args: db result, string for ad, page number, id of featured page to be excluded
$this_id = 1; // for home page. lazy load takes this into account in query for parent id to use
output_card_collection($res, $ad, 1, $exclude_id, $this_id);
echo "